In Bengaluru, India, two newborns tested positive for the Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), the first confirmed cases of the virus in India during a global outbreak that also saw an increase in cases in China.
The two babies were brought to Baptist Hospital in Bengaluru because they both had a history of bronchopneumonia. The Union Health Ministry stated on Monday that an eight-month-old boy is still recovering while a three-month-old girl was released following treatment.
The Ministry noted that neither baby had any recent history of international travel, highlighting the fact that HMPV is already in use throughout the world, including in India.
According to a statement from the Health Ministry, “We are keeping a close eye on the situation through all available surveillance channels.” Throughout the year, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) will keep an eye on developments in the distribution of HMPV.
The Ministry also reported that there hasn’t been an uncharacteristic spike in Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) or influenza-like illnesses (ILI) cases in India recently.
Young children, the elderly, and people with impaired immune systems are more susceptible to severe sickness from HMPV, which usually manifests as cold-like symptoms.
First identified in 2001, the virus is known to be seasonal, with a higher incidence during the winter months.
The Indian Health Ministry met last week to discuss developments in China, where the number of HMPV cases has been increasing, in response to an increase in respiratory ailments. To help guide continuing actions, the World Health Organization (WHO) has released updates.
By the age of five, the majority of people are exposed to HMPV, albeit in minor cases, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Nonetheless, the virus is responsible for 10–12% of pediatric respiratory diseases, with a tiny proportion of patients progressing to more severe ailments like pneumonia.
The HMPV, which is spreading quickly in China, has been in Pakistan for more than 20 years, according to earlier confirmations from the National Institute of Health (NIH). The virus was initially discovered in Pakistan in 2001 and is comparable to the one observed in China.
The NIH said in a statement from its Islamabad headquarters that HMPV cases have been documented in Pakistan since 2001, with 21 cases being identified at the PIMS hospital in Islamabad in 2015.
What is the difference between COVID-19 and HMPV?
According to WebMD, there are numerous similarities between HMPV and COVID-19, including the fact that both viruses spread through respiratory droplets and induce respiratory symptoms like coughing, fever, congestion, sore throat, and shortness of breath.
Hospitalization may be necessary in severe situations. Unlike COVID-19, which can spread year-round due to changing variations, HMPV usually peaks in the winter and spring.
According to studies, after COVID-19 limits were removed, HMPV cases in some areas may have tripled. Immunity was probably reduced by the decrease in viral exposure during lockdowns, which led to a spike in respiratory infections after safety measures were loosened.
The respiratory virus known as Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) was discovered for the first time in 2001. It is closely linked to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and is a member of the Paramyxoviridae family. Upper and lower respiratory tract infections are frequently caused by HMPV, especially in children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems.
Important things to know about HMPV:
- Cough, fever, congestion of the nose, wheezing, and shortness of breath are typical symptoms. In severe situations, bronchitis or pneumonia may result.
- Transmission: Respiratory droplets, direct contact with infected people, or contact with contaminated surfaces are the main ways that the virus is disseminated.
- Seasonality: Late winter and spring are usually when HMPV infections are most prevalent.
- Vulnerable Populations: People with chronic conditions, the elderly, and infants are more likely to experience severe sickness.
Worldwide Distribution:
Although HMPV is present everywhere, local epidemiological factors determine how it spreads. It is not restricted to any particular area, such as China or Pakistan. Controlling its spread requires public health initiatives and good cleanliness standards.